Sunday, January 13, 2013

Back!, new header, and a little of my Pinterest! :D

O.K., you are probably thinking that was the shortest blogging break ever, but I really want to get back to posting! :D I love posting here! :D

Today I also put up a new header! I think it looks pretty good! I worked hard on it on Photoshop, and I'm glad I'm done and don't have to worry about it anymore. I also put up a new background, which I think is super cute. :)

Alright! Now to show you a little of my Pinterest! 
I have 12 boards: Funny, Fashion, My Favorite Celebs, American Girl, Food, Awww. . . , Sewing / Art's n' Crafts, Hair, Skin, and Nails, My Favorite Animals, Quotes, Little Reasons To Smile :D, and Other :). 
I'll show you two pins from each of my boards! :)



My Favorite Celebs

American Girl


Awww. . .

Sewing / Art's n' Crafts

Hair, Skin, and Nails

My Favorite Animals


Little Reasons To Smile :D

Other :)

Click HERE to see my Pinterest!

Have a fabulous rest of the day! :D