Monday, March 18, 2013


Hi! :)
I've been thinking on doing this post for awhile. :)

These are MY thoughts/opinions.

1. (thought) And I watch superman fly away. . .you've got a busy day today. . .
(Taylor Swift <3)

2.  (opinion) All bloggers seem to post about these days is photography. And, I'm kinda tired of it. YES, I KNOW I post about it too, but not all the time. I try to post about other things, too. :)
(a photo I took awhile ago)

3. (opinion) It seems that bloggers try to be all inspirational and dramatic and stuff. It's kind-of annoying, really. Anyone see what I mean? Like, it seems that all bloggers post in the same way. . . 

4. (thought) It's sorta sad the Iowa Tests are over. I mean, I don't like doing the test. But what's better than having no homework for a week and getting Dum-Dums to suck on and having lots of free chances to read and getting "fun" morning work like extreme connect-the-dots? (You will understand what I'm talking about if your in my 5th grade class ;)

5.  (opinion) The Speak Now album is just awesome. *hand heart to Taylor*
(photo screen-shotted from

6. (opinion) Ice cream is really good. . . :)

7.  (thought) I bet it would be so cool to see Taylor Swift live. <3

8.  (opinion) Why is everybody posting in lowercase letters? How long does it take to to press the shift key?! Or why do people just like it?!

9. (thought/opinion) Having a loose tooth is SOOOOOO ANNOYING. Period.  

10. (opinion) Good Luck Charlie is a really great show. :)

11. (thought) Hey! I am number 11 in school! Haha. . .

12. (thought/opinion) What is with girls' obsession with mustaches???! IT IS HAIR OBOVE YOUR LIP, PEOPLE. GUYS HAVE THEM. I just, it's just, seriously?!

13. (thought)  I scared my sister on last Friday. And the day before. And the day before, I believe.  Bwhahahahahah. :D

14. (thought) I got a paper cut last week. But I think I really cut it on the edge of my binder. It stings.

15. I finished A Wrinkle In Time last Friday. During class. Reading (<----the subject) was boring. :P

16. I know that you know that I'm not telling the truth. . .

17. (thought) Money seems is very stressful. :(

18. (thought/opinion) Mint and coral are pretty colors. :)

19. (thought/opinion) Having nails painted is fun. :)

20. (opinion) Homework stinks. :P 

21. (thought) Tomorrow I'm going to buy some stuff at the book fair.

22. (opinion) I hate math. :P
(photo found on Pinterest, BTW: This is like, so true. . .:)

So, uh, yeah! Hope you enjoyed this. <3 :)



    On Number 16..that's prime Psych!
    Season 7 rocks.
    If you don't know what I'm talking about..ignore this.

    1. Ha! It's strange all ready having a comment. . .I just posted it!
      Yeah, I like the show Psych. I watch it with my mom sometimes. :)

  2. Great idea! I really enjoyed reading this!

  3. This Post Makes Me Smile. I Love The Mustache Comment. Seriously People!
