So. . . . . Tuesday I'm going to the American Girl place!
Whoo-hoo! :D
I have been saving up for at least a year, so I. Am. Freaking. Out. With. Total. Excitement.
And I am also getting a doll! :D
Which doll to get?
I'm getting a personal shopper, (because I am getting a doll) so I can have some help deciding. :)
This is the doll I THOUGHT I was going to get for sure:
I <3ed her at first sight. With her auburn hair, freckles, blue eyes, her love of horses and art, and her super cute collection, I just knew I was going to get her! Though I have been wanting one with straight hair, I loved her too much I didn't care.
But after awhile, I started getting second thoughts.
I WANTED one with straight hair for so long. I love curly haired dolls, but curly was much more harder to take care of. I also only have one straight haired doll, which was another reason why I didn't want one with curly hair.
I'm really tired of having to manage four other dolls with curly hair, so I would really like one with easy-to-care-for straight hair.
So, I'm probably not going to get her.
So, I started looking at the MAGs. (Because an MAG doll was also the type of doll I was originally saving up for.) I still wanted one with red hair, and I thought these two were super cute. But!, Then I realized that sense most of my dolls are light skinned, it would be a great addition to my collection if I got an African-American doll.
I thought this one was really pretty, so she might possibly come home with me!
This one is also really pretty. I do already have one Madame Alexander that is African-American, so she would also be a great addition to my collection.
So, what do you think?
Do have any favorite AG dolls?
Will you be getting one soon?
P.S. I'm trying not be raciest. (I NEVER want to!) I just want to add different dolls to my collection. :)