Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Here's to 2013

Oh. My. Gosh.

The last day, er, night (I should say) of 2013!
This year had been such an amazing year. 
I learned so much this year-from learning to be outgoing (which I accomplished! ;) to a few life lessons along the way.

I just really hope you guys have a FANTABULOUS 2014. 

(photos not mine)

But I also have some more to say.

I have really enjoyed keeping this blog.
I love blogging.
I just have lost interest in keeping this blog.
So I'm creating a new blog. There will be more photography, fashion, AG opinions, and what not. I feel that this blog just doesn't really have a purpose. At first when I created Anything & Everything Forever, E, I wanted to post about more than just about American Girl which what I was doing on Forever American Girl (obviously!). But now all I feel like I'm doing now is just posting pictures and randomly saying hello to the world at times. I'm not even kidding. All I feel like I'm doing now is just well, posting post. I feel as if I'm more posting for my entertainment rather then my follower's. Now I'm not saying on my new blog I'm gonna stuff that isn't my personality, or something I don't like. 
I hope you understand. I will post later about my new blog.

With further ado, Happy New Year!!!
